Every Moment Holy
| Every sphere of life and creation is Yours,
And all are threads of the same bright weave;
Our goings-out and our comings-in,
Our fellowship and our loneliness,
Our youth and our old age,
Our passion and our vocations,
Our chores and our entertainments.
You are equally present in our failures and in our successes,
In our sleep and in our wakeful hours,
In our teas and in our laughter,
In our births, in our lives,
And even in the hours of our deaths.
You are everpresent with us. |
Where have we missed God in the everyday moments of our lives? Have we become so stuck within our own systems that we have begun to become numb to the presence of God’s infinite glories in the everyday? In his collection of liturgies, Andrew Peterson, draws people back into conversation with God in our mundane moments. With collections spanning every aspect of human life: the hours, labor & vocation, creation & recreation, blessing & celebration, petition & provision, sorrow & lament, and more, Peterson paints beautiful portraits of man communing with God in the mundane. Peterson’s book Every Moment Holy, is a call back to the center. It is a plea to refocus, even in the small moments, on the Creator. It is an opportunity to fix our hearts on God and our worship of Him.
A beautiful aspect about this book is the pull from the liturgical tradition through the call-and-response pattern of prayer. For some, this process is known to create a thin space of the mind. A connection and communion with God that is/seems more intimate, and it pulls us back to our ancient heritage. Poetic prayer reminds us of our size, it reminds us of the vast nature of God, and it reminds us of our connection to our Creator God in our love of beautiful words.
When we hear, see, or experience things we are given a deeper sense of our “heavenly homesickness.” We are reminded of the fractured nature of the world that we live in, and we are given a renewed hope and expectation for the coming kingdom. Andrew Peterson offers all of us a wonderful opportunity to meet God in the mundane, to refocus our hearts on our heavenly home, and it joins all of us in a communal “now and the not yet.” This is a book you would be remiss to pass on, it is guaranteed to enrich your prayer life.
| You are equally present in our failures and in our successes.
In our sleep and in our wakeful hours,
In our tears and in our laughter,
In our births, in our lives,
And even in the hours of our deaths.
You are everpresent with us.
May this book and these prayers therefore
Serve to train the hearts of your people
To practice a mindfulness of your presence
In all moments. |
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