Old Testament Backgrounds
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Violence of Scripture Overcoming the Old Testaments Troubling Legacy
No one can read far in the Old Testament without encountering numerous acts of violence that are sanctioned in the text and attributed to both God and humans. Over the years, these texts have been used to justify all sorts of violence: from colonizing people and justifying warfare, to sanctioning violence against women and children. For those who read the Bible as Scripture, these depictions of "virtuous" violence pose tremendous moral and theological challenges. What can be done to stop people from using the Old Testament in such destructive ways, and how might these violent texts be read more faithfully?Eric Seibert faces these challenges head-on by confronting the problem of "virtuous" violence and urging people to engage in an ethically responsible reading of these troublesome texts. He offers a variety of reading strategies designed to critique textually sanctioned violence, while still finding ways to use even the most difficult texts constructively, thus providing a desperately needed approach to the violence of Scripture that can help us live more peaceably in a world plagued by religious violence.
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Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life
If you're up to your eyes in the mess and mud, there's another path to walk.
The righteous rely on God, and the Psalms teach us how.
In the opening pages of the Psalms, believers discover foundational truth for right living and are invited to enter the great delight that belongs to the children of God. Meditating on God's Word is key to 'the pursuit of pleasure'. The Psalms are a treasure trove for such a pursuit. Walk with the Psalmist through good times and bad times, finding a wealth of reasons for the recipients of God's covenant love to take heart.
In this first instalment of his essential guide to the Psalms, trusted theologian Dale Ralph Davis leads readers through a careful study of Psalms 1-12 with clear application for daily life. Using his own translation, Davis sets out a verse-by-verse exposition and crystallises the Psalmist's message with cross-references to situate the passages in broader biblical context. With illustrations from history and personal experience, the truth comes alive.
An indispensable accompaniment to the Psalms. Suitable for use as a personal study guide or as a reference and teaching guide for facilitating small group study.
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This is not a sociological study in the technical sense. Its aim is simply to review the internal evidence of a single Old Testament book about attitudes towards what is now universally recognized as one of the most serious problems facing the world today: the unequal distribution of this world's goods. The study shows that there are some fundamental assumptions common to all sections of Proverbs: that wealth, unless acquired by dishonest or unscrupulous means, is a good rather than an evil, and that poverty as a feature of society is an evil which may to some extent be alleviated in particular cases but for which there is no universal cure.
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David Penchansky's What Rough Beast? is a study of six Old Testament stories. While many biblical theologies empasize reassuring images of God, Penchansky confronts those biblical passages where God is portrayed as irrational, malevolent, and even abusive, wrestling with the impact of these images on Christian faith. In dealing with these difficult passages, Penchansky contributes to a more authentic understanding of God.
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Perry provides serious students with an insightful and incisive lens through which to interpret, among other biblical passages, the story of Judah and Tamar, the riddle proposed by Samson, and the words of Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) reflecting on the advancing years of life.
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This volume describes the lifecycle events and daily life activities experienced by girls and women in ancient Israel examining recent biblical scholarship and other textual evidence from the ancient Near East and Egypt including archaeological, iconographic and ethnographic data. From this Ebeling creates a detailed, accessible description of the lives of women living in the central highland villages of Iron Age I (ca. 1200-1000 BCE) Israel.
The book opens with an introduction that provides a brief historical survey of Iron Age (ca. 1200-586 BCE) Israel, a discussion of the problems involved in using the Hebrew Bible as a source, a rationale for the project and a brief narrative of one woman's life in ancient Israel to put the events described in the book into context. It continues with seven thematic chapters that chronicle her life, focusing on the specific events, customs, crafts, technologies and other activities in which an Israelite female would have participated on a daily basis.- Please log in to review this product
Words of the Wise Are Like Goads Engaging Qoheleth in the 21st Century
"Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless." The word "meaningless" (hebel) appears more than 40 times in the book of Ecclesiastes and raises the question why a book that appears to deny meaning or purpose is included in the Bible. Many questions of interpretation as well as relevance surround the book of Ecclesiastes, including indeed the proper translation and understanding of the word hebel. If, after all, the book does examine the question of the meaning of life, what could be more important?
The present volume explores Ecclesiastes/Qohelet on many different levels: linguistic, text-critical, theological, historical, and literary. The contributors, chosen from many of the leading and emerging experts on the book, present both the state of the field and their own assessment of the varied interpretive issues of Ecclesiastes. They include scholars, preachers, and philosophers. It should be helpful not only to scholars but also to all who want to study this book seriously.
The first section of this volume deals with the history of interpretation. The second section is concerned with issues of history, form, and rhetoric. Section three is about key concepts and passages. The fourth section focuses on the language and grammar of Qohelet. The last section engages practical issues of interpretation. The volume is designed to provide exposure to a variety of readers who seek to engage Qohelet in fresh ways in the twenty-first century--from historians of interpretation to biblical exegetes to linguists to theological students.
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World & the Word Introduction to the Old Testament
The World and the Word is a fresh introduction to the Old Testament driven largely by the fact that so much Christian preaching and teaching today increasingly ignores what is eighty percent of the Bible. Authors Eugene Merrill, Mark Rooker, and Michael Grisanti work through the world and text of the Old Testament always making three major points:
- The Old Testament is a rich source of theology and doctrine that is presupposed by the New Testament. Without it, Christian theology would be seriously deficient. - Mastery of the Old Testament is crucial to an understanding of the New Testament. - The Old Testament offers, by teaching and example, practical principles of belief and behavior for contemporary times. Who God was and what He did then can be replicated in the lives of men and women today. Separating the verifiable biblical and extra-biblical data from the various interpretations of that same information, the book further shows how the Old Testament forms the platform and matrix from which sprang the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus and the church. The World and the Word will help students see an entry point into the very heart and design of God who loves them and wishes to make them the special object of His grace.- Please log in to review this product
From Moses to Malachi Exploring the Old Testament NR
From Moses to Malachi: Exploring the Old Testament unlocks the Old Testament books and makes clear their central message and enduring value. It helps you to understand the importance of the Old Testament to the authors of the New Testament. The Old Testament was the Scripture used by Jesus and the apostles, and it is foundational to our understanding of who Jesus is, why He came, and what He accomplished during His time here. Through knowledge of the Old Testament, we gain an understanding of God's purpose in creation, His plan of redemption, and His goal for human history.
Knowing the Old Testament increases our understanding of and heightens our appreciation for the New Testament. It also gives us insight into how to apply our faith and live wisely in the contemporary world. From Moses to Malachi introduces each of the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament, using thematic charts to clarify the message of each book at a glance. The key thought and structure of the books and other essential information are presented in graphic form. A synopsis of the content of each book explores its purpose and message.
From Moses to Malachi provides pastors and teachers with ideas and outlines for preaching and teaching the Old Testament to a contemporary audience. In addition, it offers numerous references to resource materials and a helpful bibliography for further research.
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