Pastoral Ministry
Anatomy of a Revived Church
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Art of Preaching Old Testament Narrative
A veteran pastor with thirty years of experience guides readers through a ten-step process to preaching Old Testament narratives from text selection to delivery. The first edition received a Christianity Today award of merit and a Preaching magazine Book of the Year award. This edition, now updated and revised throughout for a new generation, includes a new chapter on how to preach Christ from the Old Testament and an exemplary sample sermon from Mathewson. Foreword by Haddon W. Robinson.
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Between Two Worlds
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Canoeing the Mountains Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory
Over 100,000 Copies Sold Worldwide!
Learning to Lead Through Uncharted Territory
Explorers Lewis and Clark had to adapt. While they had prepared to find a waterway to the Pacific Ocean, instead they found themselves in the Rocky Mountains. You too may feel that you are leading in a cultural context you were not expecting. You may even feel that your training holds you back more often than it carries you along.
Drawing from his extensive experience as a pastor and consultant, Tod Bolsinger brings decades of expertise in guiding churches and organizations through uncharted territory. In Canoeing the Mountains, he offers:
If you're going to scale the mountains of ministry, you need to leave behind canoes and find new navigational tools to give you the confidence and courage to lead in places you never expected to find yourself.
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Practical and Gospel-centered thoughts on how to have a fruitful ministry by one of America's leading and most beloved pastor.
Many church leaders are struggling to adapt to a culture that values individuality above loyalty to a group or institution. There have been so many "church growth" and "effective ministry" books in the past few decades that it's hard to know where to start or which ones will provide useful and honest insight.
Based on over twenty years of ministry in New York City, Timothy Keller takes a unique approach that measures a ministry's success neither by numbers nor purely by the faithfulness of its leaders, but on the biblical grounds of fruitfulness.
Center Church outlines a balanced theological vision for ministry organized around three core commitments:
"Between a pastor's doctrinal beliefs and ministry practices should be a well-conceived vision for how to bring the gospel to bear on the particular cultural setting and historical moment. This is something more practical than just doctrine but much more theological than "how-to steps" for carrying out a ministry. Once this vision is in place, it leads church leaders to make good decisions on how to worship, disciple, evangelize, serve, and engage culture in their field of ministry--whether in a city, suburb, or small town." -- Tim Keller, Core Church
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Church Multiplication Guide Revised
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-Bill Hybels, Senior pastor, Willow Creak Community Church
"A very practical resource for every biblical communicator who wants to go from good to great."
-Ed Young, Senior pastor, Fellowship Church, Grapevine, Texas
"To communicate effectively, you have to connect. Andy has been connecting with people for years, and now he's sharing his insights with the rest of us."
-Jeff Foxworthy, Comedian
Story Behind the Book Andy Stanley and Lane Jones are on staff at one of America 's largest churches, North Point Community. Leaders of thousands of people, they regularly speak in front of large groups. They also listen to numerous speakers and know the disastrous effects of a poorly delivered message. This book is the result of their efforts to make public speaking--one of the most common fear-inducing activities known to mankind--simple, easy, and even enjoyable, so that God's messages will readily produce the life-changing results they should.
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In this revision of a long-enduring classic, Kraft draws upon faith experience and the social sciences to make pastors, preachers, missionaries, and religious educators aware of the mystery of human communication in the service of God who calls all into communion. The question is how to communicate with these other cultures so that the message is effectively transmitted and received? How to we recognize the gaps--of language, tradition, life experience--that separate us and build bridges over them.
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In this book Ralph Wood calls for churches to offer a sustained an unapologetically Christian witness to a postmodern world. Wood carefully chronicles how the church is watching the complete destruction of post-Christian institutions and practices that once shaped human character toward fulfillment in goods larger than humanity's own self-interest - the chief of these being the worship and service of God. Wood contends that Christian existence can never be taken for granted, and so the church itself must seek to create a Christian culture that offers the world a drastic alternative to its own cultureless existence.
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