


1 2 3 John Anchor Volume 30


With this study--companion to the masterful two-volume The Gospel According to John--Raymond E. Brown completed his trilogy on the Johannine corpus. Meticulous in detail, exhaustive in analysis, persuasive in argument, it examines controversies that have long troubled both biblical scholars and lay readers. Questions of authorship, composition, and dating, as well as the debate over source theories, are discussed at length; but these are kept subordinate to the overall question of meaning.
What gives this commentary special interest and excitement is the bold, imaginative reconstruction of the setting of the Johannine work--in particular of the "opposition figures," who are only dimly sketched in the Epistles--so that we see clearly that the author is writing to his flock both about the dangers and difficulties confronting them, and about the eternal life that is theirs by the gift of God. In this way, the Epistles of John become intelligible as broadsides in a critical engagement between the forces of light and darkness.
In addition to his superb textual analysis of the letters, Raymond Brown has brought to life the community in which these works were formed and shaped. We are forcefully reminded that the Gospel and the Epistles were addressed to very real people living in the first century a.d., people with religious problems not unlike our own. In all respects, The Epistles of John stands out as a model of biblical scholarship and study.

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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1900

1 2 Chronicles (Kregel Exegetical Library)

1 2 Chronicles (Kregel Exegetical Library)
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A thorough exegetical analysis of each passage of 1 and 2 Chronicles

The trauma of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, the exile of thousands of Judea's citizens, and the subsequent return after seventy years to the homeland with the difficult task of starting the new covenant community virtually from scratch-- all contributed to a reassessment of Israel's meaning and destiny. The chronicler-theologian thus composed his work not just as a history of his people from their ancient beginnings but as an interpreted history, one designed to offer hope to the beleaguered community as well as to issue warnings that should they fall back into the ways of their fathers they could expect the judgment of God to be repeated.

Eugene Merrill's work on 1 and 2 Chronicles promises to be a significant contribution to the academic dialogue on these important books. This volume is helpful for the scholar but accessible and useful for the pastor. Merrill provides an exegetical study of each passage in these books, examining a number of themes, especially drawing out three principal theological subjects: (1) David and his historical and eschatological reign; (2) the renewal of the everlasting covenant; and (3) the new temple as a symbol of a reconstituted people. Merrill offers astute guidance to preachers and teachers in his insightful doctrinal commentary on the text.

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Publication Date: 
November 27, 2015

1 2 Thessalonians Walvoord

1 2 Thessalonians Walvoord
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The Thessalonian epistles are probably best known for what they reveal about the last days. But there is much more to these letters than just end times prophecy. In this devotional commentary, John F. Walvoord, one of evangelicalism's most prominent leaders, and Mark Hitchcock, a leading Bible prophecy expert, guide you through the prophecy and exhort believers on practical matters such as moral purity, disciplined living, church relationships, prayer and church discipline.

Walvoord's stalwart writing has been greatly expanded upon by Hitchcock, with additional introductory and background material, charts, and in-depth explanations at key points. Now also updated with the Bible content in the English Standard Version (ESV), this volume in the renewed Walvoord Commentary Series stands ready to reach a whole new generation with the spiritual insights the apostle Paul had for the Thessalonians.

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Publication Date: 
March 1, 2012

1 Chronicles 1-9 Anchor

1 Chronicles 1-9 Anchor

In his latest addition to the esteemed Anchor Bible Commentaries, scholar Gary Knoppers examines one of the most neglected books of the Old Testament and established its importance as a key to understanding the nation of Israel.

Who were the Israelites? Was Israel's first king, Saul, a hero or a disaster? Was David a gifted and accomplished leader or a murderer and a cheat? Did Solomon preside over the most glorious epoch in Israelite history or did he lead the nation into a fateful decline?

In I Chronicles, the distinguished scholar Gary Knoppers addresses these questions through a thoughtful and exacting reading of one of the last books of the Hebrew Bible. He shows that Chronicles, which contains a variety of viewpoints on the major events and people, provides a distinct perspective on much of Israel's past, especially the monarchy. He discusses how the chronicler's introduction to the people of Israel redefines Israel itself; explains and defends the transition from Saul to David; and shows how the Davidic-Solomonic monarchy was not only a time of incomparable achievement and glory, but also the period during which the nations most important public institutions -the Davidic dynasty, the Jerusalem Temple, the priests, and the Levites--took formative shape.

I Chronicles, part of a two-volume set, is the first to employ systematically the Dead Sea Scrolls to reconstruct the biblical author's text. Knoppers reveals how Chronicles is related to and creatively drawn from many earlier biblical books, and presents a fascinating look at its connections, in both compositional style and approach, to the historical writings of ancient Mesopotamia and classical Greece. Featuring a new translation and an extensive introduction that incorporates up-to-date research, this volume replaces the Anchor Bible I Chronicles commentary written by Jacob Myers in 1965.

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Publication Date: 
November 1, 2002

1 Chronicles WBC

1 Chronicles WBC
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The Old Testament book of Chronicles presents unique problems to students of the Bible. Here Dr. Roddy Braun takes a fresh look at the biblical text and sheds light upon its meaning for God's people in both Old Testament times and today. Taking careful note of Chronicles' dependency upon earlier Old Testament writings, he leads the serious Bible student through such issues as: The relation of 1 Chronicles to parallel passages in Samuel and Kings What "the Chronicler" intended to convey with his own independent contributions to Israel's history and theology The role of Solomon's temple as a uniting force for the Chronicler, who faced the reality of the division between Israel in the north and Judah in the south The book's emphasis upon God's covenant with David as reaching its goal in the construction of the temple.

Dr. Braun investigates thoroughly the effect of God's covenant with David in this important part of Scripture. Did the tragic division of the kingdom following Solomon's death mean God had forsaken the covenant? Were the northern tribes too a part of that "all Israel" that was being summoned to return to faithful observance of the priestly services at Solomon's temple in Jerusalem? What was the meaning of such a summons at the time of the Exile, when both Israel and Judah lay in ruins? Such questions are explored with an expert's eye to history and background, theology, and textual considerations.

The author-with his remarkable combination of scholarly insights and pastoral experience-also notes the themes of unity, joy, and generosity in worship emphasized by the Chronicler. He was apparently anxious not simply to reunite the kingdom, but also to restore spiritual depth and enthusiastic support to worship-issues that continue to be vital to the people of God today.

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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1900


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First Kings is not so much a book of history as a book of religion, says Dr. Simon J. DeVries. Through the historic events it relates, the religion of the Hebrew people was being shaped.

Dr. DeVries s thorough overview of the world of 1 Kings its geography, its culture, its politics, and the religious situation brings the biblical record alive in its time and place. Upon this foundation is superimposed a comprehensive, lucid discussion of sacred history as theological testimony, and responsible consideration of 1 Kings as literary composition.

In this commentary, Dr. DeVries provides keen insight into the intricacies of both the events and the textual difficulties of 1 Kings: The throne succession from David to Solomon Solomon s reign his influence and his failings The building of the Jerusalem temple and its significance The division of the United Kingdom The puzzling chronology of the Hebrew kings The problem of heathen shrines and cult objects The role of the prophets in Elijah s time.

For this second edition, he has updated and expanded the bibliography.

Prophecy, a burgeoning new religious impulse of the period of 1 Kings, receives special emphasis as a particularly rich source of profound theological truth communicated in the effective linguistic forms of prophet-narratives.

Whether appearing as historiography or as pious story, the contents of 1 Kings offer themselves as testimonies to the ways of God with men, Dr. DeVries notes. The scene is history; the players are kings and prophets; behind the curtain is the Lord of history, challenging his players to make history the scene of salvific revelation. "

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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1900

1-2 Samuel

1-2 Samuel
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Publication Date: 
October 12, 2021



Nothing speaks more highly for a commentary than how valuable it is to pastors and scholars, students, and interested readers. By all accounts, Victor Paul Furnish's commentary on II Corinthians has become the standard by which others are judged. It is praised as "a quite superb commentary . . . everything that a good commentary should be" (Expository Times), "by any standard . . . an excellent volume" (Interpretation), and "perhaps the definitive commentary on the letter in English" (Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society). In addition, Furnish has "accomplished a difficult task with remarkable skill and apparent ease" (Biblical Theology Bulletin), and has given us "one of [the Anchor Bible's] finest studies" (Catholic Biblical Quarterly). In the internationally renowned tradition of the Anchor Bible series, this commentary is an excellent and indispensable tool for biblical study.

Scholars rarely posses both the gift of academic excellence and the ability to communicate their expertise in an extremely readable fashion; but Furnish succeeds admirably with the right balance of scholarship and practical application, offered in the most accessible prose. With a mastery of primary languages and sources, and a lucid discussion of the first-century context of Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, the reader enters the worldview of the original recipients of this hard-hitting letter. In the end, Furnish successfully navigates the maze of difficulties faced by the commentator and, thankfully, helps the general audience understand what II Corinthians says and means.

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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1900

2 Corinthians WBC

2 Corinthians WBC
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Pastors and students will appreciate this new edition with its up-to-date bibliography and discussion of pertinent issues. In this full revision and update of the book of Second Corinthians, Dr. Ralph P. Martin addresses the scholarly questions about the text of the epistle and the significance of Paul's thought for Christian living and ministry.

In a penetrating analysis of Paul's responses to the various crises within the Corinthian congregation, Dr. Martin gives insight into the particular problems of Christianity as expressed in the hedonistic, cosmopolitan setting of Corinth. He shows how Paul's attempt to clearly distinguish the gospel from Hellenistic Judaism and Hellenistic Jewish Christian ideology results in a moving statement of the Christian message. Rather than the "theology of glory" prevalent in Corinth, Paul articulates his theology of the Cross as a "theology of weakness," of servanthood and ministry. What was at stake at Corinth, says Dr. Martin, was "nothing less than the essence of the kerygma as in expressed in the way of the cross. . . for proclamation and daily living." New sections on the Collection and Rhetoric have been added, and the issues of Composition and Social Setting of the letter have been included, along with topics such as the Spirit, the Opponents, Paul's Theology, and the Resurrection in this epistle.

The Word Biblical Commentary series offers the best in critical scholarship firmly committed to the authority of Scripture as divine revelation. It is perfect for scholars, students of the Bible, ministers, and anyone who wants a theological understanding of Scripture.

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Publication Date: 
October 21, 2014



II Kings (Volume 11 in the acclaimed Anchor Bible) is the chronicle of the raging conflicts that tore the United Kingdom of Israel apart, creating the rival nations of Israel to the north and Judah to the south. It tells of the time of the great prophecies of Elijah and Elisha, and of the legendary conquerors of not only the Jews, but the whole of the Middle East--Sennacherib, Hazael, Tiglath-pileser III, Nebuchadnezzar, and Shalmaneser.
The book of II Kings was written with a dual purpose. It provided a chronological history of the divided kingdoms of Israel, from the time of division, through the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, and the final exile of the Jews into Babylonia. It also served as a reminder to all Israelite monarchs that their loyalty to the God of Israel, as worshipped in Jerusalem, determined the course of history. In his telling of the story, the book's author emphasized to his contemporaries and future generations that in order to avert the calamities that befell the Chosen People (their conquest by nonbelievers, the destruction of Jerusalem, and their ignominious exile), they would have to avoid a repetition of the misdeeds of the past. If they remained loyal to their God, their God would remain loyal to them.
Complete with maps, charts, photographs, and extra-biblical documentation, II Kings presents an important and illuminating new translation which explores a tumultuous epoch of change that forever affected theological and world history.

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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1900